How to Keep Your All-Terrain Tyres Running Efficiently Throughout Their Lifespan

Automotive Blog

If you've just bought a set of new all-terrain tyres for your on-road driving and off-road adventures, then you're probably aware that they do not come by cheaply. While the price of all-terrain tyres may differ by brand, these on-and-off-the-road tyres generally cost more to purchase when compared to regular performance tyres. For that reason, you will want to ensure you get maximum service life from your new purchase. Here are a number of effective tyre care tips you should follow if you want your all-terrain tyres to remain in top working shape throughout their lifespan: 

31 May 2017

When Should You Use New, Name Brand Parts for Vehicle Repair?

Automotive Blog

Using parts that have been salvaged and pulled off old cars, or using an off-brand, generic part, can help you to save money when your vehicle needs repairs. In many cases, these older and used parts will have years of life left to them, and off-brand parts may be as functional as original equipment manufacturer, or OEM, parts from the dealer. However, there are times when it's best to invest in new parts and those made by the vehicle's manufacturer; note when that is and why it's recommended, so you can make the best choice for your vehicle.

28 May 2017